I received notification in December that I had been voted Elk River’s favorite chiropractor for 2014 (Star News Reader’s Choice). I had held the title for 2013 and, although did some social media and in-office solicitation, was pleased and surprised by the nomination. The special edition announcing all of Elk River’s favorites appeared in my mailbox this weekend. As I paged through, looking for our smiling faces, I had a sudden flash of self-realization.

Collyard Chiropractic is the Best Chiropractor in Elk River – Elk River Star News Readers Choice
I step into my office every morning with great opportunity to improve health, decrease pain and change lives. I believe that every patient on our table is receiving the highest standard of care, that we are 100% invested in their quality of life. With great opportunity comes great responsibility. I am also the doctor who loses sleep over difficult conditions and complicated symptoms. The doc whose commitment to patient care requires much of their non-patient time accomplishing tasks that run a business. The doc who becomes embedded in families and lives… so much so that when there is a family loss or difficult diagnosis I find myself grieving alongside them.
Being voted 2014’s favorite chiropractor is an honor. It is confirmation that our hard work is making positive changes in our community. But the truth is, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I didn’t firmly believe we are the best in our field, ALWAYS. I fully intend to use the title to motivate me to continue to strive for excellence, because you do notice. Thanks for your your votes. We are humbled, we are thankful, we are blessed.